Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What's going on?

My husband has an annual ski vacation with several of his friends every year. One man is unable to attend this year because of several problems, one of which was that his email was hacked and damage done. He discovered it when he returned home from a trip. Many hours were spent trying to fix the problem.

What is going on? This is about the fifth person that I know this month with this type of issue. Is the Internet under siege?


  1. I just received an email from another blogging buddy saying she is being impersonated on here!

  2. I just watched a news cast about the group of hackers who call themselves "Anonymous" who have been working to defend the founder of Wikileaks.

    I don't necessarily think they are behind this kind of thing, they are working to expose major corporations, however hacking seems to be on the rise everywhere.

  3. I hope I never get so many followers that I end up being hacked. What a terrible situation, and you're right: why now? What's happening?

  4. I can understand hackers who defend wikileaks. But forget the idiots who do it for fun or revenge!
    - Trish
